Annika Kahrs
Annika Kahrs
credits/courtesy © Helge Mundt
Annika Kahrs (1984) lives and works in Berlin. Her performances, film works and sound installations show in a variety of ways the importance of music and sound – acoustic information – in different social, cultural and political structures of coexistence. She has been awarded a number of prizes and scholarships including Villa Aurora, L.A., VILA SUL, Brazil, Stiftung Kunstfonds or the George-Maciunas-Förderpreis, donated by René Block.
Kahrs has exhibited both nationally and internationally, including Hamburger Bahnhof – National Gallery for Contemporary Art, Berlin; 5th Thessaloniki Biennial of Contemporary Art; Kunsthalle Bremerhaven; Savvy Contemporary, Berlin; On the Road exhibition project in Santiago de Compostela; the Bienal Internacional de Curitiba; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Berlin; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn; Gropius Bau, Berlin; Flat Time House London; the Velada de Santa Lucia festival, Maracaibo; LAXART, Los Angeles; MONA Foma Festival, Tasmania and the 16th Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art.
Карс је излагала у земљи и иностранству, укључујући следеће изложбене просторе и манифестације: Hamburger Bahnhof – Национална галерија савремене уметности, Берлин; 5. Солунско бијенале савремене уметности; Kunsthalle Bremerhaven, Бремерхафен; Центар за савремену културу Savvy Contemporary, Берлин; изложбени пројекат On the Road, Сантијагo де Компостела; Међународно бијенале у Куритиби; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Берлин; КW Институт за савремену уметност, Берлин; Bundeskunsthalle, Бон; Gropius Bau, Берлин; Flat Time House, Лондон; Фестивал Velada de Santa Lucia, Маракаибo, Венецуела; LAXART, Лос Анђелес; Фестивал MONA Foma, Тасманија и 16. Лионско бијенале савремене уметности.
Le Chant des Maisons, installation view, 2022, 4K video and sound installation, cards, 24′ 30″
Courtesy of the artist and Produzentengalerie Hamburg
Originally commissioned for the 16th Lyon Biennale
Courtesy of the artist and Produzentengalerie Hamburg
Originally commissioned for the 16th Lyon Biennale