Adrian Melis Sosa

Adrian Melis Sosa

Adrian Melis Sosa (Havana, Cuba, 1985) is a multidisciplinary artist, based in Cuba and Europe. Between 2005 and 2010, Melis studied at the University of Arts in Havana. He is a former resident of the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten of Amsterdam (2014/2015). He is currently teaching at Berlin Art Institute. He has exhibited in several museums and institutions including, among others, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel; Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw; Wiels, Brussels; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Pinchuk Art Center, Kyiv; Pori Art Museum, Pori; De Appel Center, Amsterdam; Queens Museum, New York, and the 10th Shanghai Biennial. Since 2010 he is represented by ADN Galería, Barcelona, where his solo exhibitions in 2012 and 2013 were awarded the “Art Nou” Award by the Association of Galleries Barcelona and the GAC award (MACBA) for Best Exhibition in a Private Gallery, respectively. In the year 2023 Melis was granted the CIFO awards for latinoamerican artists. His work is in private and public collections, including LENTOS Museum, Linz; Pori Art Museum, Finland; MAS Santander, Spain; MACBA Barcelona; Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia, Spain; Collection Alain Servais, Belgium; Collection Lemaître; Collection A. de Galbert, France and Collection Teixeira de Freitas, Portugal.