October Salon is a representative manifestation of accomplishments in the field of visual art in Serbia, found and funded by the City of Belgrade.
The October Salon of the Fine and Applied Arts of Serbia was founded in 1960 by the National Committee of the City of Belgrade as a review of significant works by artists of the Republic of Serbia which supposed to be organized every year on October 20th in honor of Belgrade Liberation Day.
Throughout its history, the Salon changed its conception and forms.
In 2004 at the initiative of the long-standing organizer, the Cultural Center of Belgrade, by the decision of the founder, it became international and important reference point for the Serbian and regional art scene.
The aim of the October Salon is to present the most significant new productions of local and international contemporary visual arts.
The October Salon has its Board appointed by the City of Belgrade, whose obligations are defined by the Manifestations’ Rules.
The international jury is giving the money award of the October Salon.
From 2007 the Cultural Centre of Belgrade is giving the award at each edition of the October Salon that consists of organizing the exhibition of awarded artist in one of the galleries of the Centre.
Since 2004, when October salon became international, the exhibitions have been curated by: Anda Rottenberg (45th October Salon, Continental Breakfast), Darka Radosavljević and Nebojša Vilić (46th October Salon, Art that Works), René Block and Barbara Heinrich (47th October Salon, Art, Life and Confusion), Lorand Hegyi(48th October Salon, Micronarratives), Bojana Pejić (49th October Salon, Artist-Citizen), Branislava Anđelković (50th October Salon, Circumstances ), Juan Pousette (51st October Salon, The Night Pleases Us), Alenka Gregorič and Galit Eilat (52nd October Salon, It’s Time We Got to Know Each Other), Branislav Dimitrijević and Mika Hannula (53rd October Salon, Good Life), Red Min(e)d – Jelena Petrović, Danijela Dugandžić, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec (54th October Salon, No One Belongs Here More Than You), Nicolaus Scafhaussen and Vanessa Muller (55th October Salon, Dissapearing Things), David Elliott (56th October Salon – Belgrade Biennale, The Pleasure of Love), Gunnar Kvaran and Daniele Kvaran (57th October Salon – Belgrade Biennale, The Marvelous of Cacophony), Ilaria Marotta and Andrea Baccin (58th October Salon – Belgrade Biennale, The Dreamers), Zorana Đaković Minniti and the collective of the Cultural Center of Belgrade (59th October Salon).
In 2014, by the decision of the City of Belgrade, the October Salon became a biennial event.

Cultural Centre of Belgrade was founded in 1957, as a multidisciplinary cultural institution. In its rich history it never strayed from its initial idea – to promote the highest artistic, cultural and social values and to support high creative reaches, explorations and experimentation in both domestic and international scenes.
In a unique complex of multipurpose spaces, a combined area of over 2,000 square meters, in a trilaterally oriented building of Press House, a typical representative of Serbian mid-twentieth century architecture (arch. Ratomir Bogojević), and often in areas around it, various exhibitions of contemporary art, film projections, concerts, literary programs, lectures, workshops, round tables, conferences and happenings are intertwined on a daily basis.
Center is initiator, organizer and partner in various domestic and international projects and institutions, which all leave an important mark to contemporary scene of Belgrade and Serbia: October Salon, Festival of a Writer, World’s Poetry Day, Belgrade’s International Week of Architecture, (Graphic) Designer: Author or Universal Soldier, Days of Organ, Harpsichord, Live Art; Author’s Film Festival, Free Zone, FEST, Festival of Documentary, Short and Animated Film; Night of the Museums; and other.
Cultural Centre of Belgrade
Knez Mihailova 6/I
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Members of the Board of October Salon:
Vuk Vidor, president
Gordana Goncić
Zorana Đaković Minniti
Danica Jovović Prodanović
Mihael Milinović
The official address of the October Salon
Ninela Gojković, Assistant Director and Financial Manager, Acting Director of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade
Jasmina Petković, Producer
Ljiljana Ilić, Communication and Media Coordinator