Marijana Kolarić

Marijana Kolarić is the curator and director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, Serbia. She graduated in art history at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. In her curatorial practice, her special focus lies on contemporary art and artistic practices that arise and develop alongside current social issues, connecting art with the everyday life. She was a member of the jury and appointed commissioner of the Pavilion of the Republic of Serbia at the 59th Venice Biennale. She participated in the founding and was the first director of Novembar Gallery in Belgrade, which was created with the aim of focusing on the contemporary art practice of the younger generation of artists from Serbia and abroad. She was member of the Board of the 58th October Salon — Belgrade Biennale (Sanjari). She was the selector and curator of the 17th Pančevo Biennale of Art entitled SEE Art Gates: States of Reality in 2016 and the curator of the first exhibition of the contemporary Serbian art scene in China Journey through Contemporary Serbian Art at the China Art Museum in Shanghai in 2017/2018.