Ana Knežević

Ana Knežević is a curator, art historian and PhD student at the Center for Museology and Heritology, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Since 2016, she has worked on numerous projects at the Museum of African Art in Belgrade, and is a member of the ICOM and AICA associations. She was also a member of the editorial board of the online magazine Artum (2015-2016). Her published works deal with museums in the age of cyber culture, the methodology of art history in cyberspace, as well as architecture, popular culture, contemporary art and visual culture. She launched a collaborative online heritage map ( participatory digital archive (, and is a member of the editorial board of a critical museum online platform ( She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation, which focuses on the problem of cultural memory in cyberspace (case study: mimes on the Internet), and she is also  interested in oral histories, digital humanities, culture of memory, media studies, contemporary art, film and architecture