


Lorenzo Balbi and Dobrila Denegri

What can an exhibition do to stimulate thinking about the work of artists, their future and the way to create a community of commitment? Is there anything significant that contemporary art biennales leave behind for the local community? This concept is based on the desire to create a possible new model for the upcoming edition of the October Salon, where the “trace” will continue to live and function even after two months – the official duration of the exhibition. The provocation on which this concept is based is to jointly confirm and conquer spaces for art and make them available to artists and the local Belgrade community.

Hope Is a Discipline

Lina Džuverović, Ana Knežević and Emilia Epštajn

Hope is not just a feeling. Hope is an action, rooted in the belief that there is always a potential for transformation and change. Drawing on the community organiser and activist Mariame Kaba’s slogan Hope is a Discipline, as well as the legacy and social values of the Non-Aligned Movement, the curatorial team will work with artists, networks and grassroots initiatives from within and beyond the cultural sphere to propose art as a connective tissue in the fostering of solidarity and mutual support. Artists and groups will use the working process, exhibition and discursive programme to explore the potential of subtle micropolitical artistic acts as coping mechanisms in the face of current exploitative corporate takeover of life, repressive and harmful political tendencies and environmental challenges. An important aspect of the project is its pace, resisting the tendency of large exhibitions to overproduce, speed up and stretch capacities.

The Aesthetic(s) of Encounter(s)

Matthieu Lelièvre and Maja Kolarić:
Aesthetic(s) of Encounter(s) focuses on artistic production and the place it occupies in the flow of exchanges between individuals, in an attempt to analyze the extent to which these encounters transform each individual, from artist to spectator. How does the very process of encounter impact on the creative process? Is it possible to “encounter” a work of art? Showcasing a wide variety of media, this exhibition focuses on modes of operation, both conception and production, that involve exchanges and collaborations, between designers and viewers alike.